4 research outputs found

    VISEM-Tracking, a human spermatozoa tracking dataset

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    A manual assessment of sperm motility requires microscopy observation, which is challenging due to the fast-moving spermatozoa in the field of view. To obtain correct results, manual evaluation requires extensive training. Therefore, computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) has become increasingly used in clinics. Despite this, more data is needed to train supervised machine learning approaches in order to improve accuracy and reliability in the assessment of sperm motility and kinematics. In this regard, we provide a dataset called VISEM-Tracking with 20 video recordings of 30 seconds (comprising 29,196 frames) of wet sperm preparations with manually annotated bounding-box coordinates and a set of sperm characteristics analyzed by experts in the domain. In addition to the annotated data, we provide unlabeled video clips for easy-to-use access and analysis of the data via methods such as self- or unsupervised learning. As part of this paper, we present baseline sperm detection performances using the YOLOv5 deep learning (DL) model trained on the VISEM-Tracking dataset. As a result, we show that the dataset can be used to train complex DL models to analyze spermatozoa

    PolypConnect: Image inpainting for generating realistic gastrointestinal tract images with polyps

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    Early identification of a polyp in the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract can lead to prevention of life-threatening colorectal cancer. Developing computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems to detect polyps can improve detection accuracy and efficiency and save the time of the domain experts called endoscopists. Lack of annotated data is a common challenge when building CAD systems. Generating synthetic medical data is an active research area to overcome the problem of having relatively few true positive cases in the medical domain. To be able to efficiently train machine learning (ML) models, which are the core of CAD systems, a considerable amount of data should be used. In this respect, we propose the PolypConnect pipeline, which can convert non-polyp images into polyp images to increase the size of training datasets for training. We present the whole pipeline with quantitative and qualitative evaluations involving endoscopists. The polyp segmentation model trained using synthetic data, and real data shows a 5.1% improvement of mean intersection over union (mIOU), compared to the model trained only using real data. The codes of all the experiments are available on GitHub to reproduce the results.Comment: 6 page

    Using machine learning model explanations to identify proteins related to severity of meibomian gland dysfunction

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    Abstract Meibomian gland dysfunction is the most common cause of dry eye disease and leads to significantly reduced quality of life and social burdens. Because meibomian gland dysfunction results in impaired function of the tear film lipid layer, studying the expression of tear proteins might increase the understanding of the etiology of the condition. Machine learning is able to detect patterns in complex data. This study applied machine learning to classify levels of meibomian gland dysfunction from tear proteins. The aim was to investigate proteomic changes between groups with different severity levels of meibomian gland dysfunction, as opposed to only separating patients with and without this condition. An established feature importance method was used to identify the most important proteins for the resulting models. Moreover, a new method that can take the uncertainty of the models into account when creating explanations was proposed. By examining the identified proteins, potential biomarkers for meibomian gland dysfunction were discovered. The overall findings are largely confirmatory, indicating that the presented machine learning approaches are promising for detecting clinically relevant proteins. While this study provides valuable insights into proteomic changes associated with varying severity levels of meibomian gland dysfunction, it should be noted that it was conducted without a healthy control group. Future research could benefit from including such a comparison to further validate and extend the findings presented here